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The Latest Talent Programs in the UAE

​The UAE government has actively championed the Emiratisation agenda, intending to reduce reliance on the foreign workforce, prepare UAE nationals with essential skills for the evolving economy, and ensure they hold leadership positions in various sectors. To support this vision, several talent development programs have been launched.

1. Tawteen UAE Program

The Tawteen UAE Program is a strategic initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) to enhance the participation of nationals in the private sector workforce. "Tawteen" translates to "nationalization," reflecting the program's central mission of promoting Emiratisation. Here's a deeper look into its components:

● Capacity Building: The program places significant emphasis on the professional development of emiratis. They are equipped with skills in demand within the market through specialized training programs, ensuring they are competitive and relevant in their job applications.

● Private Sector Collaboration: A cornerstone of the initiative is its collaboration with the private sector. The program urges companies to allocate a fixed percentage of their job vacancies exclusively for Emiratis, which fosters greater integration of nationals into diverse industries.

● Job Fairs and Networking Events: Tawteen also proactively bridges the gap between job-seeking nationals and employers. Regular job fairs and networking events are organized, allowing Emiratis direct access to potential employers and vice versa. These events act as platforms for exchange, discussion, and potential recruitment.

2. Khibra Program

The Khibra Program is specifically designed to aid fresh graduates transitioning from the academic world to the professional realm:

● Internship Opportunities: The Program recognizes the value of providing intern opportunities to Emirati graduates. Internships give recent grads practical experience in their field of study, enhancing their CVs and making them more marketable to prospective employers.

● Soft Skills Training: Beyond technical and academic expertise, soft skills are crucial in today's dynamic workplace. Understanding this need, it offers training sessions on communication, leadership, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. This approach ensures that graduates are well-rounded professionals ready to meet the demands of today's economy.

● Career Guidance and Counselling: Counseling and guidance for those making the leap from college to the working world is essential. The Program offers these services, educating graduates on their options and suggesting fields of work that may fit their unique talents, interests, and goals.

3. Qiyadiyat Initiative

The Qiyadiyat Initiative is a notable program within the Emiratisation framework, focusing on empowering Emirati women and promoting their leadership within various sectors. "Qiyadiyat" translates to "female leaders," which succinctly captures the essence of the initiative.

● Leadership Training: The initiative emphasizes the development of leadership qualities among Emirati women. Through specialized training programs, participants have skills and

knowledge that prepare them for leadership roles in diverse industries. This includes decision-making, strategic planning, and team management.

● Networking Platforms: Recognizing the power of networking, the Initiative regularly organizes forums, workshops, and events. These allow women to connect with peers, industry leaders, and mentors. Such platforms facilitate exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and fostering collaborations.

● Mentorship Programs: Mentorship is a cornerstone of the Initiative. Seasoned professionals, both men and women, guide and advise participants, sharing their insights and experiences. This mentor-mentee relationship is invaluable for budding female leaders, offering personalized guidance as they navigate their career paths.

● Awareness and Advocacy: The initiative also raises awareness about Emirati women's capabilities and potential. By showcasing success stories and advocating for women's participation in diverse sectors, Qiyadiyat helps reshape perceptions and emphasizes the crucial role of women in the UAE's socioeconomic landscape.

4. The Emirati Coders Initiative

The Emirati Coders Initiative is an ambitious program that focuses on equipping Emiratis with skills in technology and coding. Recognizing the digital transformation sweeping across industries and the pivotal role of technology in future economies, this initiative was designed to foster tech-savviness among the national populace:

● Coding Bootcamps: The heart of the initiative lies in its intensive coding bootcamps. These are structured, rigorous training sessions where participants are introduced to various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. From basics to advanced levels, the bootcamps ensure Emiratis are well-versed in the foundational and emerging coding techniques.

● Tech Entrepreneurship: Beyond coding, the initiative also nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit. Participants are trained to transform their tech skills into viable business solutions, encouraging them to venture into startups, app development, or other tech-driven businesses.

● Collaborative Projects: Practical application is crucial for coding skills. Hence, the Initiative encourages participants to work on real-world projects, either individually or in teams. This helps reinforce what they've learned and allows them to create a portfolio, which can be invaluable when seeking job opportunities or showcasing their skills.

● Mentorship and Networking: Through regular networking events, webinars, and workshops, participants can gain insights, seek guidance, and even collaborate on potential projects.

● Job Placement and Internships: To ensure that the skills acquired lead to tangible career opportunities, the initiative also partners with tech companies, startups, and other organizations to facilitate job placements and internships for its participants.

These initiatives demonstrate the UAE's commitment to its citizens, ensuring that every Emirati, regardless of gender or field of interest, is empowered, skilled, and well-positioned to contribute to the country. The overarching message is clear: the UAE's future is in the hands of its people, and the government is unwavering in its mission to prepare them for it.

Jobseekers interested in Emiratisation opportunities can reach out to ManpowerGroup UAE for guidance: