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Education Cannot End at Graduation: Why Learnability is the Most Important Skill in 2023

​In today's consistently evolving digital world, an essential skill you can have in your arsenal is the ability to learn and adapt quickly to new skills and technologies. The rapid use of AI in the workplace is often seen as a threat to one's job security; however, it leads to the creation of new jobs rather than the loss of old ones. Even though businesses are delegating more jobs to machines, this also results in new positions being created and others being repurposed. This technological transformation opens new doors for people to do work that matters to them, not just for the paycheck. Nonetheless, to stay ahead of the AI curve, employees, and job seekers must continue developing soft skills, which can be achieved more successfully by understanding their type of learner. While machines prove better at routine tasks, human skills like adaptability, cognitive thinking, and empathy are increasingly in demand.

In partnership with Hogan Assessments, ManpowerGroup has developed a web-based visual assessment to identify each individual's LQ (Learnability Quotient). The Learnability Quotient™ is an assessment tool that measures an individual's ability and readiness to learn new skills and adapt to new roles. The LQ assessment evaluates a person's motivation, ability to learn, and willingness to adapt to change. The LQ assessment is based on four key factors:

1. Speed: this gauges an individual's capacity to learn and apply new information in a practical setting.

2. Willingness: this measures an individual's motivation and eagerness to learn new skills.

3. Adaptability: this metric assesses a person's flexibility, adaptability, and willingness to embrace change.

4. Attitude: this assesses an individual's attitude towards learning and development and their openness to feedback and continuous improvement.

A person's learning strengths and areas for improvement can be discovered with the LQ evaluation, and businesses can zero in on employees with the most room for improvement and growth.

1. Investigate: be curious about the world around you, and make it a habit to seek out new knowledge constantly. Be open to learning from people from various backgrounds and perspectives.

2. Feedback: with the help of feedback, you can gain insight into areas where you can improve. Be bold and ask mentors, peers, or managers for advice. Accept new challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

3. Engage: Using new information can help you remember it better. Taking notes, creating summaries, and applying what you've learned are all examples of active learning.

4. Technology: With the increasing availability of online learning platforms, apps, and tools, there are more opportunities than ever to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Mara Swan, Executive Vice President, Global Strategy and Talent, ManpowerGroup notes, “It's important for individuals to seek out continuous skills development in order to remain attractive to employers, and for companies to enable their workforce to learn new skills and to adapt to new processes and technologies. It's time to take a fresh look at how we motivate, develop and retain employees. In this environment, learnability is the hot ticket to success for employers and individuals alike.”

To succeed in the working world, individuals must be flexible and take responsibility for their career development. Learning is a lifelong process; the more you invest in your growth, the more opportunities you'll have to succeed and thrive in your career.

The future of work is now, and technology is here to stay. Learnability is our winning ticket to personal and professional growth. It ensures job security and fulfillment and allows us to team up with our robot colleagues rather than being replaced by them.